A downloadable game for Windows

This is a very early prototype, please leave any feedback in the comments!

New prototype builds will be released weekly until mid-October. (and devlogs too, maybe?)

What is this?

A third-person singleplayer action/simulation game, where you are a Creachure on an alien planet inhabited by other Creachures. Your goal is to survive by eating its bountiful resources (like fruit, prey or even other Creachures), which may not be so bountiful when everyone around you wants a bite.

Your decisions will change your Creachure’s stats and how the planet’s inhabitants react to you. But survival isn’t the end goal. You want to be more. You want to be the next Ruler, whether that's through violence or social influence.


  • WASD + Mouse for camera
  • Space bar - Attacking and eating
  • Right click to get your mouse cursor back


MoebiusPrototype1.zip 782 MB

Install instructions

You will need to Alt-F4 out of the game, no "quit game" button yet

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